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Lavenham Parish Church is open daily. We welcome visitors and all who come for private prayer, candle lighting and reflection.
Sunday Services:
8.00am - Holy Communion BCP
10.00am - Morning Worship (3rd Sunday) or Holy Communion CW (on other Sundays)
6,00pm - Evensong, usually Choral (1st Sunday)
Morning Prayer is held in the Lady Chapel at 8.45 am on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Each Wednesday at 10:00am, there is a service of Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel at Lavenham, using Common Worship (traditional language), followed by coffee and refreshments in Church for fellowship and sharing of news, information and ideas. All are welcome, whenever you can.
Details of Sunday services at our sister church in Preston St Mary are as follows:
12noon - Preston Praise (1st Sunday) - an informal lay-led service
6.00pm - Evensong (2nd and 4th Sundays)
6.00pm - Holy Communion BCP (3rd Sunday)
Please see the pew sheet in the left hand margin for details of any changes to services.