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Should you wish to contact the church, the following details may be helpful:
Position Held | Name | Telephone number |
Rector | Revd Canon Simon Pitcher | 01787 247244 |
Curate | Revd Graham Naylor | 07768 283636 |
Reader | Pete Postle | 01787 248564 |
Churchwarden | Mary Morrey | 01787 247311 |
Churchwarden | David Deacon | 01787 248147 |
Church Hire for Concerts, Exhibitions, Tours | Moira Dickson | 07393 440125 |
Director of Music | Kevin Slingsby | 01787 389409 |
Tower Captain (Bell ringing) | Martin Weaver | 01787 247957 |
Pew Sheet Editor | Kevin Slingsby | 01787 389409 |
Children and Young People's Co-ordinator | Mary Jackson | 01787 247631 |
Home Communion visits | The Rector or the Curate |
01787 247244 |
All other home visits | The Rector or the Curate | 07768283636 |
PCC Secretary | Moira Dickson | 07393 440125 |
Church Safeguarding Officer | Mary Jackson | 01787 247631 |
Diocesan Safeguarding Officer | Karen Galloway | 07785 621319 |
Please contact our Churchwardens on matters relating to church or the grounds, or any other practical queries
Please contact the Rector or the Curate to arrange marriages, baptisms, funerals or if there are pastoral issues or matters of faith you would like to discuss.